I yearn to be unpredictable. Boring tones are heard of predictable notes. The sound of predictability. Makes my bones dismiss their strength. How unwanted are the actions of such an eternity. To wake, to do, to sleep...clockwork waves sequential without ending. How can souls take such obnoxious elements and be content? Clearly the perfect meaning. Content...content. Is such an idea so great? Stale feelings and pale colors of life? I step in uneven blocks of random thoughts. I, clearly...dismiss such an opportunistic senseless strengthless synonyms and ultimate means of self-indulging repetetive might. I pray to the deepest part of my knowledge. That I may linger solely in actions skewed toward contractions deep. What else is obscure? I breath the lavishness of such a mess. So who counts in order? Who wants boring states? Who yearns to oppose my hearty tones and visible hues of variable stances? If you will...continue your trek of faded emotions...convince yourself of such vain ideas. I unpredictable...shall be. For the one whom seeks the adventure of the undisclosed. The world is large enough for such a goal. Yes, I predict your predictability....shamed to know. Shamed to look upon it. While I smile the unpredictability. Predictable.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A peice that may cause lots of questions on it's meaning.  But that, if carefully reviewed can actually be understood.  I wanted to convey a very real sense of ourselves as beings within a predictable world.

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You Only Added Art

The outcomes of the poem inside the writing is certainly unseered. Chaos as art works in miasma, I guess. I predict a long career of explaining the conveyance of a predictable anything. I love a good surprise, you see ~~A~~