
Mary why do you love me so?

I’m locked in this empty home…

Is it a crime to truly be alone?

You can’t follow me everywhere I go,

But I never want you to leave.


Come back and talk to me;

Sit down Mary and tell me your dreams.

Tell me again how I’m living your life,

And I'll tell you how you've ruined mine.


Remind me of how you possessed me,

How you held me down and overtook me.

You made it so I couldn’t breathe,

You made it so I couldn’t leave...


Mary, you stole my soul for you to keep;

You wake me from a peaceful sleep, 

And rob me of my dreams.

I want you to come back to me.


I don’t want you to leave,

Stay here with me!

I need your company;

I hate you so much,

But you comfort me.


Even though you take my breath,

Even though you disturb my rest,

Even though I can’t leave,

You are the only reason I breathe.


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