SINK -- A Game

Purpose: To sink an object or a thing in water or mud or anything you can sink something in.

Rules: Sinking is allowed in any manner. To date, ten pound chunks of mud were used to sink a tobacco can. It is preferable to have a pit of water or a hole to drop things into; rivers, bays, gulfs, even oceans can be used.

Turns: Turns are taken thusly: whosoever gets the junk up and in the air first.

Duty: Once one object is sunk, it shall be the duty of all persons playing SINK to help find more objects to sink.

Upon Sinking: The sinker shall yell, "I sank it!" or something equally as thoughtful.

Naming Of Objects: Can be sometime desirable. The object is named by the finder of such object and whosoever sinks it can yell, for example, "I sunk Columbus, Ohio!!"

End Of Game: Objects to sink are plentiful.

Note from Matthew: This poem is a found text from an old bbs from northern california circa 1995 or so.  The Author's identity is known to me, but his whereabouts are a bit hazy.  Thanks Bill, if this piece of fine art is yours, otherwise, a hearty fnord to the Master who sinks it all...

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chris's picture

This was another great poem. I know there is a lot of deep meaning here; thats why its great.