We are the watching and the watched,
the living and the life itself.
Faster our minds cross the traverse,
farther are hands flung, our sight thrown,
imagination expanding.
We interlink everything,
our gods, our bedrock, our sky.
Beneath our stars we find
our stars still beneath ourselves,
they chart themselves
beneath dark skulls,
they implode at will
and dream themselves into reignition.
They are the watching and the watched,
the living and the life itself.
Our dance is wicked shout
the pure dust
in its own arrested spirals.
They interlink everything,
our gods, our bedrock, our sky.
The history of lies dies
a jesus death and is not resurrected
in time for tea
and the enormity of spaces
that swirl hungrily among the
sugar in our cups.
It was the watching and the watched,
the living and the life itself.
Behemoths of time arise
shouting victory
from the beginning.
It interlinked everything,
our gods, our bedrock, our sky.
Mine arms are raised in praise
of the entropy hot in my hands,
soothing down our throats,
churning smooth bellies
which walk from the cross,
following the truth overhead.