Wonderful oblivion cradles me
As a mother to her new born,
Tenderly encompassing every inch of skin
Cocooned in blissful harmony
In awe, I watch a parade of
lights dancing before me,
My own Aurora
In the Northern Hemisphere of my mind.
A spectacular display of
Earth's natural beauty demonstrated
in all it's glory.
Here, I can walk to the edge of the world
and admire its existence,
A capacity not possessed by consciousness or the living.
Fear and comfort, joy and pain find unity
on the same continuum-
Varying degrees of one emotion
that coexist beyond abstraction.
In this state I question what mark is left behind when life is gone,
but a fruitless pursuit yields no validity.
Ironic how the realisation is found outside reality
and clarity of thought comes without thinking.
Knowledge has no relevance and the quest for truth
begins a futile search when
Even certainty comes without predictability.
I find solace in my subconscious ,
where perception is not knowing and
acceptance is inclusive.
It is only here, in my dreams
that I can dance on mountain tops
and walk bear foot through brambles without fear of thorns.
It is only here, in my dreams that reality is fantastical
And fantastical is truth.
I LOVED it! This was awesome...