Razor blade between my lips
Tongue prepared to slice
Playfully toying with the blade
Kiss me..
Feel the trickle of my blood
Taste the salty warmth of life
Let yours mix with mine
Bring your blade across my back
And kiss the marks you make
Blood for lipstick such a sight
Kiss mine and know their taste
lip-prints in blood across your chest
Kiss me with blades and tongues
Taste that lovely synphony
That sings within my veins
Carve you kisses into me
Leave a lasting mark...
Until it my blood runs dry
Kiss me with bladed tongue
Kiss me deeply with all your might
Drink me 'til my blood is dry
'Blood for lip stick...
Kiss mine.... know their taste
Lip prints in blood across the chest'
(Not exact but just grabbing some things that I liked)
I can't explain why I liked it besides it wasn't the same refrences people make in poem.
But that's why I liked it in its self, for it not being the same.
It all felt deep like being loved and hurt but loving that much to be hurt.
Good job though.