Kiss me like you know you would
... If I was yours
Hold me close and shut your eyes
Pretending I am yours
You let me haunt you
And think that theres no price
Yet you haunt me as I haunt you
And fill my heart with ice
You hate the way you are
Despise the way I am
Loathe the very sight of me
And beat me where I stand
Taste the sweetness of my flesh
A fruit you'll never eat
Try your best to never touch
While they slay me at your feet
It's not your fault, that's what I say
You can't control those feelings
And yet I beg you; Stay away
Don't mess with my hearts dealings
I cannot say much about this one. The thought of loseing you is to great. I know that there is much going on here, but I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I want you to continue writing, each poem that you write always seems just a little better than the last.
I love you so VERY VERY much...