Dare I tempt thee… or is it the soothing notes your lips make when words pass through them that tests my resolve? Should I dare find out? What is unavoidable should not question what pursues it…
There's something so easy in your art of words... so calming. When I read them, a befuddled sensation relaxes inside my body and lifts me to a higher freedom. How do I turn away? Captivated is what I am…
(your making my heart skip)
My nerves dance when your sweet voice pierces the inner sanctum of my soul. My hardened exterior crumbles from your coy laughter. Why must you torment me with your innocence? For it is that innocence that will drive my heart to lustful wishing… your sweet innocence is my bitter sin…
(Mine is beating faster)
I can’t remember the last time I felt such a beautiful rush from just written words. You’re sending me to merely fade into a delicious storm of wanting to know what those lustful wishings you have taste like. But first… before the indulge… I need to feel the energy off these existing thoughts and emotions that we seem to play hide and seek with in-between our lines. I need identification in these sensations and cravings that we lay comfortably within each phrase… specifics are what I ask of, a confession if you will…
Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni
Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions