Coming home.


A clear nights sky, no moonlight in sight. 

Gently rocking in the swing, peace at my side. 062116


The weeping willow gently sways, during a soft gentle breeze. 

This place is so amazing, heaven on earth for me. 


The calmness of the breeze, though muggy and hot. 

But peaceful as a dream, as I sit in my favorite spot. 


Off in the distance, only a cricket shall sing. 

But quite takes over, solace at my feet. 


This place is like no other, and soon to be my home. 

No more traveling or the big city, for the last 20 years I have roamed. 


To be in the country,  the stillness that it brings. 

A little slower pace, the only peace for me. 


Many years have passed since I decided to retun home. 

Years of work and hardship, wherever I would roam. 


But now it is time, to come back to my roots. 

To take care of my mother, as she's no longer in her youth. 


Off in the distance, coyotes howl and an owl makes a hoot. 

This place puts my mind at ease., the smell of fresh flowers in bloom. 


Soon it will become a reality, and not just a dream. 

Coming back to where I'm from, is such a wonderful feeling. 

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Wonderful feelings planted in words.

be blessed back home:)


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



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