Heavy rains
Like two days before
Keep hiding the moon's bright face.
Sky darker
Than ever in this cold month
Efforts on to dampen heart.
The drizzle
Turns into showers
As I try to spot moon's rays.
It was bad
When Daphne was not there
For she outshone the moon.
Yet the love
Of my beloved woman
Has changed me and my thoughts too...
Her face shines
Smilingly now
And there is no heartache now
O beloved
Rare woman beyond the seas
Your love has ovetaken all...
And I feel
I am a changed guy
God is indeed most loving.
I knew not
You would win me thus
With your own kind of loving.
Let it rain
Or thunderstorm strike
You have my heart and rule me.
O Lord God
No matter how I thank
I cannot match Your favours.
This lady
Who loves me so much
Is Your best blessing on me.
Let it pour
I care naught for aught
Her unique love has cured me.
Unique love
Which no one can match:
Proclaim I to the whole world.

(Written by Muhammad Naveed Ahmed/Emmenay,on February the 13th, 2011).

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on/for my beloved, rare woman, high up in the hills of USA. May God Almighty Allah be with her always and keep her safe and bless our love more and more, Aameen/Amen. For several years, prior to the moment when she came into my life and save me from gloom, sorrow and despair, a dark and cloudy full moon night in the wintry month of February always made me sad and despondent...and it was just as the Bard makes Antonio, the "Merchant of venice" say in the opening scene of the play, even I never used to know why I felt so sad...and this worsened after my childhood schoolmate and sweetheart Daphne John (Tahira Muhammad Naveed) left me to rejoin her Creator high above in Paradise...but thanks to my beloved, rare woman --- let her remain anonymous till the time chosen by God Almighty reveals it to the whole world -- she, with the magic of her unconditional and selfless, ethereal total love, epitomising total feminity has made a new man out of me...May Allah/God Almighty bless her forever, Aameen/Amen.

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gregarious gazer

hold ready

your gracious

grieving heart

no cloud would

dare betray

ere whisk away

the winning

smile of your moon

cloaking the two

of you

many shades darker

in your gloom

a tender moment


is but God's way of


'To The Visually Charged'

as the misty eye sees not

for what the lonesome heart

ravenously yearns.

so fear not

for love is not love

without the many lessons

it learns....................

you know who!.......... so why type it?  ( laughs)

(oh, and ( sighs!) lucky darn woman too!)