She smiles at me,


Wishing me the best,

With her approved best.

School years return,

And old times are replayed,

On the mind's screen.

Under the giant tree,

Sharing lunch,

In the playground,

The merry bunch

Of selected friends,

Enjoying games.

And then the scene shifts,

As I find myself ill,

Down with typhoid,

And she doing my school homework,

For me, secretly and quietly.

Now the scene changes again,

And I am back in the present age,

She looks at me from the heavens,

When tranquility hypnotizes many,

She smiles graciously at me:

Approvingly at what I have got,

And waving all her best wishes,

For me and the best of the lot.

In the dawning hours of this night,

I feel a radiance in my inner self,

As if she has prayed for me,

Wholeheartedly in front of,

The Master of destinies.

Imploring Him,

To refill my cup of love,

With the purest from the fountains

Of Eden's blissful waters.

And so it is,

I find myself so lucky,

To have been blessed once again.

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sighs! To have such love even if only in memory is bliss. such sharing reminds me of an old song I use to love hear sung so aptly by that crooner Sinatra himself 'Someone To Watch Over Me' we all should be so abundantly blessed with the fondest trickles of love. Guardian angels guide us to where we are suppose to be, ah but guardian loves guide us to whom we are suppose to love. Of the two, you sir got yourself a guardian love. Again many kudos and accolades to you my friend............ you know who!........... so why type it? laughs