O my dearest Khalajan*
Why have you left me without saying good bye!
O my dearest aunt of aunts,
What more did this heart of mine want!
From childhood to youth, to my 40th year,
You were always there with your prayer.
You showered your love and care on me,
As a child, as a young man -- care free.
You told when I ventured on a wrong path,
No beta*, this is not the path good ones walk.
You saw me with my very own kith and kin,
And your memory is one that never grows dim.
How I wish it was me and not you,
For whom life flapped its wings and flew.
My dearest aunt, my Khalajan,
How I wish I had been your jaan*
How beautifully you love those you love. In your poignant words I feel as if there echoes a longing for the hills of Heaven. I'm certain I'm not the only reader your poems have moved to tears. To be a poet is to remind us of what its like to be without physical form. Thank you then for reminding me once again. Reading your poems for me is a boundless joy that reaches deep within to hug the soul. My sinuses though would like to sincerely ask you to stop this! once again you know who! so why type it? laughs.
Oh , and thank you for all those soul hugs!