what I see when I look at me

what I see when I look at me

I see darken times

shadows of my self


I see war

I see disconnection

I see nothing

when I look at me


I look at the world and one day I think

that maybe I will leave my darken places

and become part of it one day


until that day I will be in my darken places

drifting through the shadows that make me who i am


a drifter with out a light

with out a goal

hoping one day that maybe I

can reconnect too a place outside this darken places

Author's Notes/Comments: 

 This is my first time writing anything so if its bad sorry i was just sat at home thinking and these words came to me don't know if its a poem or not just been looking on different websites wondering where to post it so here it is thanks

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AquarianMale's picture

"can reconnect too a place

"can reconnect too a place outside this darken places" - hello, in this line I think you meant "to" and not "too." Also, should not "this darken places" be "this darken place," or "these darken places?" Finally, I was happy until I stumbled on this. Whoa girl, cheer up. Cool You can do it! Although, you did capture the dark side of the moon here, and that was probably your intent. This shot through my heart. Ouch!

allets's picture

here it is, thanks. you are

here it is, thanks. you are welcome to PP. It is a poem. Yes, nice musings  ~~A~~