Tresent (Puke)

Teenage Chronicals

A cold night a day to be sick

Catching a cold and breaking a hip

Not fun Not fun at all

Now puking infront of a mirror

Thats what I call having a ball


Tresent (puke2)

Drinking sprite on a friday night

Feeling sick and 7 up won't do the trick

So you begin to eat a pretzel

When all of a sudden   Blahhh Blahh

Ah Sprite puke it up it taste good


Tresent (Puke3)

Puke is amazing puke is fun

The onlything about puking

Is Puking up your lung

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sonic my dud's picture

I see you dno't take anything seriously...

Megan M's picture

this poem is like so cool... its awesome cuz i think puking is so fun.. lol well it is! great poem dude