Take me with you

Sometimes I look for you
Inside the silence
That happens when our lips are exhausted from arguing
And situations clip the wings of the sentences
That we’ve grown tired of holding onto

Sometimes I look for you
In heart wrenching goodbyes
And underneath the awkward hello’s of people I never thought I’d see again

And the breath-taking hello's when I do see you

I’ve heard you
Recklessly stumbling around
Inside the back ground music of bad advice
I chose not to ignore, that swallows me whole

And the bag full of quotes that create my life story
when our apologies get to heavy for our lips

Sometimes I try to find you
Behind the eyes of every girl
With enough guts to pluck an “I love you”
From a garden of “Things I need to say”

Sometimes I chase your shadow
Until I tripped over the things you meant to tell me
And the sun swallowed us both

You have a smile like a ball point pen
And a lined paper handshake
Said your name was unique
Told me that you were waiting for someone to love you into a masterpiece
And in return
You would tattoo theirvoice to the wind
Never judge them
And give them a place to hide the secrets that they're too scared to tell

If you ever leave
Take me with you

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running_with_rabbits's picture

if you ever leave postpoems

if you ever leave postpoems take me with you!

Much Love


allets's picture

Tqke Me With You

Every line was a miracle, progressive and exeptional cadence and word choice. I sailed all the way to the end - When he goes, take me with you too (smile) Nice read - allets