Azam Ali

"Only love can free us from the womb of time
for life like a magnificent mysterious cloud holds
its shape and form only long enough for us to blink,

and all our precious memories are but shadows of
time that will drift away like fallen leaves returning
to the emptiness from which they came.

Thus we are, like innocent children flowering
in the garden of souls."
- Azam Ali

Author's Notes/Comments: 

from Azam Ali poem

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nightlight1220's picture

I enjoyed this thoroughly.

I enjoyed this thoroughly. Thank you for sharing it. ~peace~


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


humanpulse's picture

I like this piece my

I like this piece my friend.
I, since I started to have a sense, realized that in the east there is a huge potential for love, and also in the west, in the north and in the south. My dream (my wish), before I depart, is to see all humans hugging each other, apologizing for their mistakes and promising each other to be fair with each other. I know it’s a dream that will never come true, but I am a person who enjoys dreaming.
Thank you for posting this piece. Your selection reflects your intelligent and pretty mind. Your selection moved my mind.
Thanks dear.

allets's picture

A Soul Garden

Uncluttered verse, prosaic and beautiful, from poet's heart to reader's heart, such well sculpted images full of living and wisdom ~Allets~