A mother Advise

Hatice Cenan Hanim told her son: "You must love people. You have inside you an unlimited wealth of forgiveness tolerance and compassion. You must spend this wealth with generosity. You must share it with people and love them with their strengths and their weaknesses.
Your job is to point them toward a common goal, the goal of sincerity. There are many ways to reach this goal but the easiest one is the way of love. This has long been the way of salvation for humanity. Taking this road, human beings become divine and reach God. Notice it is not perfect people she says we must love but people as they really are. If we do this for others as we see them with all their flaws and gifts, the things we love about them and the things we hate, if we do this with compassion we will make this a better and more peaceful world. And maybe we will then learn to love with the same compassion, forgiveness and understanding the person we see in our own soul’s mirror."

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As A Man Thinketh

I used to believe love made the world better. Sometimes, but mostly it opens the soul up to exploitation and oppression, if not guarded well. Universal anything, war, love, peace, enough for all, is the Utopian's dream, and usually the utopian dreamer is at the top in charge of the amount of love allowed, peace, war. . . Compassion here is a sign that says: use me please, I'm gullible...rejection, fear, and hate are the flip side of that advice, unfortunately...Never a borrower or lender be - Stella Crews



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Sad but it is true

that’s why we need to be careful how and when this advised is used, I can assure u that this is possible maybe not on a big scale but within a small group of people and if the leader is approaching his team from this prospective, the results are amazing and still they donot come without pain and scrafies. Thus, I think we need to know how we protect our self and others from such comapssion and make things more realistic and balanced with keeping the purpose nobile.