“You” and “I” (part-2)

Come !!! My garment, my best friend

This life is nothing but folly and play

No matter how far or how close,

you are in your way

All lives are going to a dead end

But the acquired knowledge have no end

Lets rise above the mask of pretend

with such light, in its meaning lets blend

Come !!! My garment, my man

I need no fancy dresses and makeup

When I walk with my true self

Having you to wear

I need no diamond and jewelry

When the real treasures,

are knowledge and enquiry

That what make a man honorable and unique

Not his look and his style that is so chic

Not the strength of his physique

Not the strength of his sexual passion

But the wisdom that shapes his actions

Come!!! My Beloved, my companion

Nothing hinder us but pride and ignorance  

Nothing separates us but the illusions

made by the cleaver human minds.

Nothing constrains us but the delusions

of human made customs and traditions

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you understand about the mind and illusions. So do I - Lady A