O Lord, give me a heart
That I may pour it out in Thanksgiving
Give me life
That I may spend it
In working for the salvation of the world.
O Lord, give me understanding
That I stray not from the path
Give me light
To avoid pitfalls.
O Lord, give me eyes
Which see nothing but Thy glory.
Give me a mind
That finds delight in Thy service.
Give me a soul
Drunk in the wine of Thy wisdom.
Quoted from an artical "Al-Serat"
Since I work in an electric company I can give u, on behalf of god, all the light u need. I can allocate a power station to u, but please get done with school and get back home. We need a pretty heart to beat among us. This isn’t the first time I read u and it won’t be the last. I have discovered u since the day u laid ur pretty eyes on my pathetic poems. May Mother Nature give u all the beauty u desire. Bless u Elham.