

High Expectations


Honesty and truthfulness,

became such a high expectation?

When aiming for the essence,

Became such a desperation

and selling one self short?

For I

Never asked how much things you have,

and how much you owed?

Never asked for diamonds or gold

For things never tempt me

or my love and my soul bought

But for the shine of your soul

Radiating from your eyes I sought

Tittles, Status and Degrees


When did titles, status and degrees,

Nurtured love tresses?

When did it happiness guarantee?

For I

Wanted to know how much goodness your heart homed

Wanted to feel how much love your heart hold

Never asked for meaningless titles,

that cannot be for good purpose sold

nor I am interested in a knowledge obtained,

that makes the hearts so cold

What goodness in knowledge,

that cann't the right choices sustain?

and cann't raise the self from the self to be humane

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you are so pure in every word you wrote and I'm happy to discover a decent distant heart.