In Poems


In poems images traveling,

between letters and words

Making a life journey

Each moment, creating

a shared treasure of common memories

Breaking loneliness,

in renewing ourselves

Empty life becomes full with meanings

It reveals itself

When generous emotions it shares

Touching all humanity with the

Companionship of love

Outward of the inner self

With unity of the world

like a butterfly in silence

struggling free of its cocoon

Time sit idle, frozen

In the shade of an empty chair,

Ceremony of poems

In grief and farewells

In departure and greeting

In joy and ecstasy    

In peace, in war

In wining, in losing

Blue ink on papers pouring,

in white paper cups

Thirsty souls for the same drink

Everything comes and goes

Departures before arrives

"LOVE" Drums

Arrives to never depart

Beating as "One"

In the transparent heart

Fountain of passion enfolded

Longing to be held

scarf of letters and words

Keeps one warm from the cold

Alleviating the fears

Blocking the ears

From any ugly tunes

Scaring feeling away

From our vein

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This one I would describe it as a fountain of pretty feelings Truly, I enjoyed every bit of it. Bless your loving and lovable mind Elham.