My Dreams


My dreams are so transparent

Yet can be misread

Follow no instructions

When they travel

Out of the box of my head

Like a passing raining cloud

with no structure or protocol

Traveling in the skies

Folding spaces and times

Blending with nature

Pouring thoughts like rain

White as snow,

Tranquilizing when they fall

Before reaching the ground

And mixing with mud

Dissolve into stream of water

Creating turbulent noise

Irrigate thirsty soil and dehydrated sand

When dreams lose its prospect

They go back to the source,

Gilde on the clouds

Faster than the wind

Beyond the four seasons

To return purified

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I enjoyed reading this poem. The imagery is really good.I especially liked the ending of the poem. "Glide on the clouds / Faster than the winds / Beyond the four seasons / To return back purified." This is just beautiful. You are a good poet. Yhank you. ~Jan