LOVE You Taught Me


LOVE you taught me

How mother hears

the cry of her child

LOVE you taught me

How to go out

of my way

to change the pain

to the sweets

song of the rain

LOVE you taught me

How you change the dark

How you whispers in the night

to bring the glow of sunlight

LOVE you taught me

How to be the earth

The mother of the Sun

Giving birth to the "Child of LOVE"

LOVE you taught me

How to be the earth

Hide behind the Silver Moon

Healing the sunburns

LOVE you taught me

We are never alone

Even in our coldest

Lonely corner

Warm forever by just your thought

LOVE you taught me

You’re the buds

That will grows in the hearts

To be the finest flowers

You’re the grander

Watching over our future

LOVE you taught me

How to be a mermaid

figthing the norms

To be with a uincorn

LOVE you taugth me

You're a gloden fish

thats swims

In the transparent soul

LOVE you taught me

How nature to explore

Walking bare foot

On the sand of the seashore

Gathering seashells

Listening to echoes

Of life's sound

Love you taught me

You are the promised peace

You are the olive oil trees

Lived century

So deeply rooted

In its ground

LOVE you taught me

You’re the worst enemy

Of ignorance, selfishness,

Jealousy, and hate

LOVE you taught me

You’re the wisdom

The source of

Truth and justice

That’s forever troubling us

That’s is always used

Or twisted

To fit certain interest

LOVE you taught me

When people fail us

To look up in the skies

For the Only one LOVE

that will never dies

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Robert C Millar's picture

Lovely Poem

Karyn Indursky's picture

I liked this poem a lot. It reminded how lucky I am to have love in my life. I love my son and family. They love me, too. There's nothing more precious than that of a child though.

poetvg's picture

i love this
poem :*) .

Jeanette Foresta's picture

Once again, beautiful!