Peace and Justice


Peace and Justice

Peace became a documentary film

Reality became a Hollywood action movie

Only those powerless

Hopeless and poor

Are the sacrifices

The one's paying the prices

Who will speak on their behalf?

Who will bring them justice?

Who will speak for their rights

to be free from being killed

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Ozjan Yeshar's picture

Injustice shall never make me kneel
Whatever you carry in your heart or feel
My bleeding wound one day will heal
Because my faith is so real
Guilty is not a done deal
Who could resists God's will
When failed to hear the ringing bell
Who could smile and walk through a hell
Could it be a dream, nightmare or just a test?
Or is it your call to see what I can do best
Is it a long nap or just a rest?
Is it me or him only in your list?
Agony in my voice
Or tears of my boys
Guilty is not my name
Your prejudice is not a glory or fame
In front of the lord we are all the same
Could it be the tiger in me
That you wish to tame
Show me your evidence
Show me your claim
Or power is your only game

jgupta's picture

Powerless, hopeless and poor are the victoms of the mindless. These mindless see violence, get provoked with the demure and meek.

Ali Saad's picture

Great thoughts in this poems, it's very touching to see these concerns embedded in your poem.
Thanks for sharing this one.

Karyn Indursky's picture

Your poem was very thought provoking. I like that you weren't afraid to speak your mind. It shows the true strength of your personality.