The Divorse.

i know i saw this coming, so many years ago.
As i grew older , your constint screams,constint yelling, and constint fighting, became a daily reutine. It wasnt something unusal, it was normal.
I would wake to ,raised voices,doors banging, curseing ,and crying.
Dishs shattering, and, random objects flying.
Id hear threats being made, and lying taking place.
I had no where to go, to try and block out the noise of the massicure.
I would lay in bed,hidden under the covers, with the tears of un- forgetable memorys left inside my eyes.

Id lay there and wait for one thing ,and that was the sound of my little brother being awaken,-
-finally by the loadness in the house.
The moment i heard him begin to cry, i ran to his side.
I took him in my arms and held him tight.
Telling him it was all right,telling sweet words that calmed him.
I wiped his tears away ,gave him my teddy for the night,and tucked him back in bed.
He would grab my hand and ask me to stay ,till he fell back to sleep.
And there i would stay,till he drifted back to his dreams.

Id walk to my bed ,and lay there in waiting,of my own dreams to come.
Then only to be wakened by the morning sun.
Then id wonder ,when is the next fight going to come?

I knew it was going to happen, after all happy marriges arent ment for all.
After all the screaming,yelling, and fighting, happening during those 17 years, i was sure it was tireing.
I knew eventully, they would break.
Only thing is, i didnt, know it be so late in our lives, and so soon in the present time.

Well the time has finally came, for what we all knew would happen, soon or later,

The Divorse.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

They always fought, when i was growing up, and they just got worse as i got older. Now as im older, they end it, and i have not got much longer to go, but i didnt expect it to happen before i moved out. Well i saw it coming, so its not too shocking, but yet its still kinda suprising. And very complicated.

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thisisme789's picture

I'm sorry! For You and your

I'm sorry! For You and your poor brother! I wish I could have been there to help you!


fhmc's picture

Going through a similar thing

Going through a similar thing right now. It's not good... in my situation it's really the awkwardness that does it. Sorry to hear this.

"Satellite's gone
up to the skies.
Thing like that drive me
out of my mind.

I watched it for a little while:
I love to watch things on TV." - Lou Reed

Elfy's picture

Ya i know, it really sucks. I

Ya i know, it really sucks. I know how you feel with that as well, its very akward on my end too. Its like they still fight when they see each other n im just standin there like okkkkkkkkkk what do i do? or its like dead quiet and no ones talking to each other, just silently stareing.


fhmc's picture

Nothing you can do. Just

Nothing you can do. Just gotta get out into the world and... make mistakes as well haha. Just make sure they're different mistakes.

"Satellite's gone
up to the skies.
Thing like that drive me
out of my mind.

I watched it for a little while:
I love to watch things on TV." - Lou Reed

Elfy's picture

lol ya i know, and i plan on

lol ya i know, and i plan on it. I dont want to make the same mistakes as they have. I need my own.
