Not so simple simple dream

a happy family

is all i seek 

a happy child

with heart and smarts

with opportunity to participate in arts

a secure child 

who seeks in me to confide 

who is capable of safely speaking their mind

how loved this child would be 

given whatever help they would need

taught all the right lessons 

to fight for all the right things

this child gives reason 

for my efforts every season

to study 

to work 

to grow 

to change

i will see the world for the child 

so that thered be good stories to tell

i will follow my career for the child

so that thered be a good home and money well

i will find myself a true love for the child

so that they rest well without the sound of a yell

in every way i will do my best to live life

for my future child to grow with little strife

this dream is neither extravagant nor simple

yet only tediously achievable 

seemingly self sacrificial and wasteful 

yet somehow incredibly self beneficial 

it gives will 

it gives strength 

it gives challenge 

yet my dream is  somehow odd in the face of others




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patriciajj's picture

This should be the official

This should be the official pledge of mothers everywhere. The world would certainly be a better place if every child was fortunate enough to experience the unconditional love you so sincerely expressed. How true that this love is only "seemingly self sacraficial". It is perhaps the fullfilling experience in our human travels.


This title is priceless: what better way to describe this dream? 


Graceful and inspiring work.