
Smile they say,

Laugh they say,

Put on your manners and behave they say


I'll get the grades I say,

I'll clean your mess I say,

I'll do my best and list all the rest I say,


I go to school I explain,

I obtained the A's I explain

I have gotten my work displayed,

But what does it mean to me,

and they explained,


You'll get a job they replied,

You'll have money they replied,

You'll be famous they replied,


But then what should I do I ask,

They say,

Whatever is the given task they said,


But what is the meaning,

To live life,

For the fame?

It seems all the same,

Doesn't matter,

All I do is follow the rules anyways,



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Write the book of rules - I know a few thousand Americans who could use the structure. How to hold the fork, how to say hello and know when to shake hands or not. Grace under onslaught - inside the structure, the rules you become the human excellence most covet and will never attain or understand. - Stella -