Love Poem

I fall in love

with you

again and again


My heart always

open, vulnerable and

on display


With you I do

my best

but rest is


when you're in

every fabric

of my being


I can't steady

my heartbeat

or ignore the

tingling in my hands

and feet

I'm incomplete

without you

I need you

I want you

near me



You play games with

my head and

my heart

I'd rip them apart

If that's what

you asked

I can't relax

I'm shaking and scratching

Can't seem to find

a distraction

Wasted pleasure

and pain twist

between my hips

Lick my lips

craving the salt

of your skin


My dreams are

invaded by you



There is nothing or

no one else

in my head

in my world

my bed

though I am alone

when I lay down

and frown at my

empty arms

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    Loved the feeling of



Loved the feeling of drinking in all the senses and emotions of falling for someone, very well expressed and well written also a good read. Liked your poem very much.