The Bathroom Poet

Emily's a lesbian

Melissa is a bitch

Erica's a crackhead

Dee's got a chronic itch

Call Lisa for a good time

She gives head half price

Tina heart's Xavier

And Jessica's got lice

Charlie's into kicking ass

Ryan's such a pimp

David is the kind of guy

Who likes to preen and primp

Justin says to "screw off"

Zack responds "fuck you"

Dan's got a tiny...u know what

To John, we bid adieu

Tim and Jane for always

Kate and Jack for life

Shawn thinks it would be perfect

If Anita were his wife

Karen loves Rebecca

Anthony wants Mike

Devon B. is such a queer

And Stephanie's a dyke

Dedicated to the one's

Whose business is displayed

Always giving ammunition

With their confidence betrayed

This is for the one's out there

Making sure we know it

Sharpies always handy

Show love for the bathroom poet

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ok.............but why the bash on so many people?