
We all take for granted, that we won't last forever

We shrug it off, say not today, the hell with it, whatever

Tommorows not that far away, my hair is turning grey

We waste so many memories, forget our yesterdays

All thats left is borrowed time, I wonder if i'll see

My grandkids start a family, my children outlive me

Everybody makes mistakes, and does things they regret

Cheat to pass, cut a class, or get boged down in debt

So when my time comes to an end, don't shed a tear for me

Take comfort that I loved you all, and that my spirit's free

I'm either in a better place, or living in damnation

A place where I don't have to breath, cuz they're's no inhilation

A place that has no war or crime, or no need for police

A place where i can just relax, and be then on at peace

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jgupta's picture

Aaron, all your poetry carry such deep meaning. It is such a pleasure to go through your lines. It reminds one of the good many people still existent who care, share, their thoughts that emanate a wonderful mind.