
Where did I come from, where do I belong?

How the hell did I end up, doing everything so wrong?

I'm ice cold like a snowflake,

The icing on the cake,

I'm more than frozen rhymes of song,

But still I know I don't belong,

And when I fall, I fall so fast,

I hit the ground, I never last,

My time is short, so whats the point?I'll fall apart, i'll come unjoint,

I'm just a portion of a larger storm,

Among the many of the swarm,

but like I said, my time is short,

Get ready kids, prepare your snow forts,

On your driveways, down the street,

Lying cold, beneath your feet,

I'm beautiful, but even still,

I'll hit the ground, and melt I will,

And when the spring, heats up the earth,

I'll question why, just what it's worth...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is probably the most metaphorical poem i've ever writen...i guess i was trying to talk about the purpose of life, and just how little time we have, and we come and go so's like, all over in a flash...

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Megan Leigh Ellyson's picture

Quite an interesting piece. Absolutely like it. It seems to speak to me.....(Check out my poetry, if you have time....Thanks)

Megan Cox's picture

Hey Aaron! I really enjoyed this poem too. And guess what? It was only after I read your bio that I realized who you were! Like, oh my god, you work with my dad! LoL! Anywho, just a question outta curiousity ... do you know Krista Campbell?