The Simplicity

Darkness over takes the sky


A void

Devoid of light

Tired legs at rest tonight

Thoughts stray off the beaten path

From all the work of the day

I sit entranced

By music that reminds me of the past

As the future starts to take its grasp

On me

The simplicity…

Of the thoughts sometimes

That consume my mind from time to time

But those usually fade to a different kind

A kind that allows the tears to flow through my eyes

This is where I find you

Once again gracing the presence of my mind

Crossing all the lines of the boundaries of my mind

And time

Says you should have gone away by now

But to me

Time can freeze

The simplicity…

Of how you stay throughout the days

As I watch life slip away

I try to hold on with a tight grip


Try to persevere and keep my head on straight


Grab on to those I love


But you always tug

At my broken heart that can’t seem to mend

Because of the simplicity

Of how you always win

My tormented soul half saved

By my best friend

But his love can’t save me

Because love is what lost me

And it’s funny in the end

The simplicity

Of how I know nothing

But the simple thoughts that consume me tonight.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Life can be so frightenly simple sometimes.

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vipervenomnu's picture

I'm sorry that I took this the wrong way. You've taken my poems the wrong way before as well. I'm still not certain of all you are trying to say, but leaving the reader guessing is a big part of good poetry for me. Yes, I said that this is good poetry, because it is!!! I like your use of the word slip but I'm strugling between two conflicting meanings and I'll have to read this a few more times before I can even come close to seeing what it means. I wish I could save you all the way. I don't like it when you slip, it makes me sad. Most confusing and interesting of all is the title, what is this simplicity? Simple thoughts I know....but of what? Sometimes simple isn't easy. Maybe the thoughts aren't so simple....maybe the feeling that go with them are. I'm not sure what anything means, but I know it leaves me wondering, and I know that a good thing.