Pay Attention

Gazing glances of curiousity

Covered by a sheild

Trying to protect the love inside

He feels.

Unnoticing eyes scan around the room

To view a noticible face anew.

Spontaneous stares of love leading

In her direction

But she is oblivious to

His affection

Losing his worries and forgetting

The idea of rejection

He inches her way

Unknowing she pays him

No attention

But he confronts her with

His passion.

Things disappearing from here to there

As he leans in to

Kiss her

In the cool night air.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not one of my best, but I wish this poem were more true.  If only guys who were interested would...oh, I don't know...tell you, give you a hint, SOMETHING!  I wish things were more like this...

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vipervenomnu's picture

I can relate to this poem because i've often taken notice of certain people who don't seem to notice me. One person in particular who i've always wanted to just walk up to and awaken with a kiss. I love this poem! It's like a dream!