now they pound


Void of a thousand goregous emotions,

you whisper to me,

but not for a moment am I held.

the size of these shadows,

which roll over my dreams,

flattening them into unrecognizable states,

from beneath them I can see little.

I want him, but I love another,

You want me, but why bother with the details?

I recall how I felt only months ago,

Before you, before them,

Now they pound on my heart,

Demanding it open up,

And I shake, in one place.

Time robs me of all decisions,

or atleast the ability to make them.

I am as delicate as a rose,

And he is as strong as iron.

You stand somewhere in between,

walking a line I can almost see;

Their words drive me to scream,

and I wonder if these visions are delusions.

This production, acted out so well,

is only for show.

Me, the lone actor in the spotlight.

My voice quavers, yet I sing on.

"Yes, I love you,

only not in the way you wish.

Yes, I want him,

But I do not desire his kiss."

I thought they were essential,

Yet I find them obselete.

This eternity of bittersweetness,

is far from milk and honey.

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