I Trust


I have no time to cry, to know defeat, or to give up hope,

I love you, that is all I know.

Perhaps I should not trust you,

Should not, yet I do.

In all those I have trusted,

I was deceived, found nothing, and lost everything.

You say it is not your wish to be one of them,

Yet, to my eyes, you have made no attempt to be otherwise.

No, perhaps you have tried,

To love me and hold me,

but your tight grasp slipped away;

I do not believe you know your own desires.

I have never been one to doubt,

and if anyone has given me reason to do just that, it is you.

However I trust.....

  that you will do what is best (in yoru eyes),

  that you are sorry,

  that you will listen,

  and that there is still hope.

Love, among other things, means trust,

Trust can be broken, but it can just as easily be granted.

I am holding myself here,

And wondering if you think of me,

At this moment,

As I dwell on your words.

You claim that I have become a need,

Do you then treat all your necessities in such a manner?

I have no control upon you nor your feelings,

Except that which you allow me, and bestow upon me.

I have known so many decisions in my life,

Yet now my choices are limited,

My options depleted.

You say you will let go of her;

Do not do such a thing for me.

As much as I would love it, I cannot ask that of you.

My heart is empty, as are my arms,

They both long for an embrace:

an embrace which I cannot have.

You have begged forgiveness;

i was never angry, only dissappointed,

Because I wanted to believe in you, and still do.

My love for you linger, stronger than ever,

You promised me, as you held me hand,

That you would be there.

That promise lies broken at my feet,

But with hope of being mended.

Perhaps it will be, that has yet to be seen.

My tears are unshed; I do not believe in pain.

I love you...

I trust you...

All I need is for you to make a decision.

I have no choices;

Make your's.

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