Some would understand my character at first glance,
Peer deeper,
Discover the hidden meaning,
And tear from the depths of it, my heart,
Still beating, pounding,
For all to see,
My secrets revealed,
Through every lapse of pain,
Still languishing,
To hold my thoughts together.
My sanguine beauty seeming inappropriate,
I am far from perfection,
Despite his beliefs,
I deftly avoid true detection,
My heart spurns the influence,
Which I am certain I should embrace,
Instead, I clasp his hand,
Eagerly, selfishly: I expell all endeavors at understanding,
But you:
To you I reveal the bitter truth,
No solution is apparent,
Yet the sight of you absorbing my words,
Is comfort in itself.
It alleviates my tears,
Your voice sooths me,
Though no end is visible,
No end to the decisions,
You somehow make me sure,
That any chances I take,
Will prove worthwhile.