Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to you,
To the man who made my dreams come true.
To the man who promised me forever,
As he took my hand and said, "I Do."

We'll always be together,
No matter how hard things get.
We are going to make it tell the end,
Never let thee forget.

You will be my husband,
And I will be your wife.
We will stand side by side,
Until the end of life.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this to my parents for there anniversary, its from my moms perpective to my dad.

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I'm sorry i wasn't who you thought i was. F**k it, i'm sorry i wasn't who i thought i was.
...I bought the heartbreak hotel on my own with no investors, closed it down and opened the F**k you, get over it bed and breakfast

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Thank you very much :)

Thank you very much :)
