Opposite Attraction

Loving/Being Loved

You shouldn't have given me a taste of your heart,

I shouldn't have given you a taste of mine,

Only glimpsing on our world, together,

I want everything to be ours in soon time.

I gave you the chances to have me,

I gave you the chances to love me back,

But when I give up, and find another man,

You're standing there wanting me back.

Did I really miss the opportunity to have you?

The opportunity to wrap you in my arms?

I'm ready to take things slow, maybe forever,

I want to forget my world based on charms.

I can't be interested with you anymore,

You're just a bad habit to me, that's all,

I feel like I have to live up to the other girls,

I'm on the edge with frustration, ready to fall.

There are no others as far as I'm concerned,

I tell you everything on my mind, don't I?

You know what I want, and how I feel about you,

You tell me too, I can see it in your eyes.

You can't leave my boyfriend out of this,

He loves me to pieces, and he makes me so chilled,

Best friends as well as a close couple,

Never has my heart been so trusted and thrilled.

I want to be able to wait for you,

But it's impossible when we flirt like we do,

We can't stop though; I don't want to end it,

Just don't attempt something we might regret

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The italics is the girl with a boyfriend, the main is another boy who loves her, and she secretly wants him aswell

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