The light above me comes on
It illuminates my face
Frozen in time, captured in all my graceful hideousness
It's time for another day, my friends
Another day of stares and horrified whispers
A group of children approach me
If I could smile at them, I would
But I cannot, my face is stuck in an eerie grimace
A small boy begins to cry out
They move on, looking back at me in terror
A young couple walk by
The woman stops to stare, mystefied
'Why would anyone do such a thing?' she whispers
The man shakes his head - he knows not the answer
They walk off, wrapped in each other's arms
An old woman comes by
Clicking her tongue and rapping her cane upon the floor
SHe looks up at me, a smile on her crinkled face
Patting the cool railing, she nods at me once, twice
And she walks away
The lights go down
The last of the museum's guests leave
As the night guard walks by my frame, he shivers
Again I am alone at night
For none want the company of A Grotesque Old Woman
Don't understand this piece, is it about something in a museum? A depiction of some sort? I can't figure it out, please explain..