The fire dances in my eyes
Hyperactivity spreading throughout my veins
I strike the match on the ridges of its book
The flame leaps into existance
Burning the air around it, and I can't help but grin
It burns ever so brightly
Licking and nipping at the skies
I sing and dance, rejoicing
Running about haphazardly
Crying to the heavens in rapture
The fire blazes out of control
Burning all in its path, utter destruction
As Mother Earty screams her angry protests
I cannot help it - a laugh escapes my throat
I frolic and leap, taking pleasure in her pain
But soon the fire begins to wane
My sugar high ebbs like the tide
The last ember is doused, and I crash
I sleep, dreaming of a new day
A new day of inferno and laughter
You shouldn't be allowed to have Pixie Sticks either...