those games

mario and megaman had the plan

gonna stomp down on all the bosses in the land

i am talkin about wiley and bowser

shit thay both had thar towers

remember all my lost hours

went weeks with out showers

for a victory to call ours

memorised the cheat

insted of a homework worksheet

"rushed" every boss i came to meet

use ta skip meals who needs to eat?

new ass print perminitly imprinted in my seat

the position i sit will make my feet...

soon fall asleep

no longer stuck

out of that route

it must have been pure luck,

didnt suffer ne loss

im at the final boss

my contrloes begin to slosh

my heart begans to mosh

blisters on my fingers

my hand gose numb

man this is dumb

i cant get this god dam charicter to run

in this bacement i go weaks without sun froze my numb body rose

i was so fucking close

what a joke i think my heart just broke

as for this game im done

untill i go out side and get sick of the sun.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

damit not finneshed

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Paul's picture

No Sigma mention? Sigma could have smashed,squashed,and destroyed Wily at any time he wanted to. and for the hell of it...just so I can menton it...Bowser was a horrible character that made no sense. He was a giant turtal with orange hair,spikes on his shell, and the abilty to breath fire. not only that, but I read that he was meant to be very smart as well. WTF mate?

some randome person's picture

video games..yay..thatere good and many people have spent decent chunks of there lives playing them ...well at least they improve hand eye cordination..or so ive herd