
incarnet of nerevar lay with me. plead to be held tightly

and do so in return,tell me thers nothing more to fear

as the winds of blight scratch at our door. lie to me and save me from life, as olny you can.

seep reveng into my heart,with love and lies.

you went to fight despite my warnings,despite my pleads, and now i hold you. or what is left of you,

our bodys rotting with corprus.infected with hate, you rose

seemingly uneficted, to have revenge on Dagoth and all of his minions. I lay still and watch u walk away olny knowing this would be the last time i see you walk away. teary eyed, amd broken i try to rise and set chace but fail. compleatly oblvious of my heart you set out on your final quest and leave me on the floor the last time i will ever see you and i havent the stranth to tell u sutch simple words that would mean so much to hear or even speak.i love you and u will never know. tryumfuntly you return olny to find me not there but in place of me a lame and mindless beast.

felsh and mind consumed with deseas; like rabies violant, powerful and mindless. as you move swiftly to slay me u see its me inside and hesatate.

the love that movated you to fight and become grate now is your down fall and we both lay dead you as beautyful as ever and i lame and swolen with corprus the beast speaks.

                                    " i love you"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

woot love story baced off the best imaginary world
baced on "elder scrolls three morrowind"

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A quote..."what a beautiul, loving, caring, bloody, disgusting, image that I don't ever want my children to see!" -Joey Styles