She had a heart as bright as the sun
A hundred different flaws but I was in love with everyone
Her heart was stuck in the past, her eyes couldn't stop looking back and emotions poured from those precious things like rain
The past was where her heart always was, the future wasn't enough
Her feelings like her dreams changed like the heart sometimes does, suddenly love wasn't enough and she never looked back
I was your knight in shinning armour but you was the one that stabbed me, I still can't bring myself to get over that
I left the knife right where you left it at, till this day my eyes are stuck reliving what was, emotion pours from my eyes like hurt sometimes does
I still can't bring myself to take my heart back, I had wings before I had none, I had memories I don't believe where done
I had a hundred different broken pieces of my heart and she took everyone
Powerful stuff man. It
Powerful stuff man. It conveys heart ache and raw emotion Good job.
Thank you man glad you
Thank you man glad you enjoyed it
"Some people die at 25 but buried at 75" Benjamin Franklin