The pain I feel
the hurt, the zeal
to get back home
to be alone
but not alone, I want to be
with you my love, and you ONLY.
A knife that stabs me,
all week long
blade of agony,
sharpened prong.
Only YOU can remove the knife
only love can save my life
now a deep and gaping wound
I must get home, and VERY soon.
I must escape, I have to flee
flee I will, to be with thee
I'll die a thousand deaths for love,
God can help me from above.
I'd rather suffer in your arms
than be away from you, yet far from harm
The only pain I cannot stand,
is not being able to hold your hand...
of all the rocks and all the sand,
of all the trees across the land
all so great but none the better,
than my love and the day I met her.
8 days is an eternity
far too long, it's killing me
and every day the knife cuts more
a little deeper than before
And loe, upon the yonder hill
you stand and wait for me, STILL
I'm back from wretched time's confines,
I'm back, the torch of love still shines
eternity apart from you,
time of waiting almost through
I was loyal, I was just
I resisted temptful lust
I sailed a thousand oceans wide,
I walked a thousand deserts dry,
I crossed a thousand mountains high,
I cried a thousand tears at night.
Every rock, every tree
only made me think of thee
every lake and pond so blue
only made me think of you.
I would trade the wonderous land
if I could only hold your hand
just 10 seconds is all I need,
to last these years 'till we are freed
every time that I'm in pain,
I see your face, I think your name
it quells the hurt, it gets me through
every time I think of you.
If love's a mountain
that we ascend
then together forever,
love will NEVER end.