
Do you know what it's like to feel empty inside

Your soul is gone, an your shell you will hide

No you could not have felt this all in one day

It lingers there with you and won't go away

Emotions are little, sad if any

Happiness no but pain well yes plenty

You feel weights on your body holding you down

No matter the situation your in, you will frown

You find your self laying still as the dead

While millions of memories dance In your head

You will Wonder room to room, place to place

Searching for something without a trace

You'll feel pressure in your chest and wetness in your eye

You will hold yourself tight in a ball you will cry

You will not feel happy, excitement nor love

You will feel as useful a hole in a glove

Lifeless and empty, hollow and dead

Broken and shattered, painted with dread

You will not get better. There is not a cure.

It's chained to your body, tight and secure

Go ahead try, fight back if you must

But I'm warning you now you'll just have to adjust 

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schmuckjones's picture

It's true it does get better!

Because we have not yet found every flavor of ice ever made.  Smelled every fragrant flower that rises up to the sun when spring arrives.  Or seen every funny cat video on the internet.  When we hide ourselves from the world and leave friends and family behind we're cutting off our noses to spite our faces.  I know what it's like to wake some days with such a broken heart that you don't even want to face yourself in the mirror, let alone the world we know at large.  *sigh*  It's tough, but sometime you just gotta keep a stiff upper lip and say fuck it, what have I got to lose?  

sweetflower's picture

your comment meant alot.

your comment meant alot. spoke to my heart. crazy to think others every feel the way you do.

schmuckjones's picture

I've spent a long time being negative....

I want to try and be more open and positive, despite the outcome if it's negative.  I'll still try to put a positive spin on things.  Some days are harder then others though.  But If you got the energy, you might as well try.

sweetflower's picture

great read

hang in there it gets better <3