On my own and alone

As I lay in my bed with relentless thoughts of regret. Forgiveness for what I've done is something I'll  

never get. Caught in this life wandering the streets like an insect trapped in this net. This net is a

prison. Deeply in this prison chaos and insanity has risen all while imagining my suicidal vision.

This prison refuses to be kind, and refuses to let me shine. While the night passes and morning arrives

much like the sunlight dawns upon the never ending landscape of the world around me. the realazation that happiness 

can only spawn from blissful ignorance hits me like a train. Painful curiosity behaving like fire instantly engulfing this prison.

As I lay in my bed wondering what would happen if I painted my wrists red with another dull knife forever ending this 

life. Another day pissed away as black befalls and engulfs the sky above me meaning the inmates of this prison now have the chance 

to run wild. The pain of utter isolation certainly not mild as I lay awake confused hurt used decieved and alone. 

Mercy is something i'll surely never be shown. The reason for my self destruction and asphyixiation of the madness 

going on in this prison are clear. I need answers. An answer to whats the point? Why am I here? Why am I alive 

and what purpose is there for me? Finding true love for some ilogical reason becomes the thought that takes over

and suffacates the inmates of this prison forever becoming a part of me. Even though suicide is all I can see. 

My mind can be summed up by the knife I use to ease the pain by creating even more shame with no gain or 

self worth to sustain. The jagged blade of my mind is never used for my protection, But rather my self mutilation. 

As I lay awake I am further tortured and suffacated by the lonliness that engulfs the prison inmates when 

black befalls the sky. I wonder if the end is is nigh or maybe i'm just lost in the pain that surrounds this life

My daily strife and my dull dull knife. As I lay in bed another science article read only to further engage 

my insatiable urge to find truth. My mind and the inmates inside get hungrier and hungrier for the sweet taste of answers to 

the questions that haunt and taunt me. Hunger for the sweet taste of purpose goes to waste as my body does the 

same thing. With a time clock on paralysis that shows incredible malice intent. A food addiction that predicts

obesity. Truely my quality of life in this city is quite shity. Despite this no matter how many times I fall 

I will always get up. I get up for reasons that make no sense I get up for my friends the ones that when with me make me feel

loved by life rather than shoved to the ground. Ignorance is truely bliss and for some reason my friends make me 

realize this in spades. They break down the prison walls that kept me in the shade and help me get over the

mistakes i've made. Inevitably the walls of this prison will be rebuilt and asphixiation of the insanity that take

over and control my thoughts on humanity will be restored reborn and leave me to be slowly torn to pieces, But until that happens

I have my friends. For here for now I will always cherish my friends and to the madness I decend.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This my daily struggle and my never ending battle.

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The Madness Is Reality

Been there, going back on occasion, down into self into inferno into joylessness and the impossibility of understanding . . .but then I read PostPoem poets, watch the squirrels outside, dream of Spring, and I ascend and feel the sun rising to grace my face with warmth and love. It's like that here. A really cool place to park it once and again. ~ Welcome to Postpoems ~