Stories from the Military Brat Yahoo Group: Redstone Arsenal Poolside Sex Education

Smells and music very important memory releasers. I'm reminded of the snack bar at the officers' club pool at Redstone Arsenal. Summer of 66 or 67.

This snack area was under the main building in an open basement carport-like place, full of concrete floors, pillars, and puddles of chlorinated pool water. A jukebox blared and echoed The Rolling Stones' satisfaction constantly and we drank Suicides and my best friend explained sex to me through a series of hand gestures. I can feel my horror as I watched her 12 year old hands explain it to me in one quick movement! No... say it isn't so!


I can still taste grape soda and feel that chlorinated dry on my hands when I hear satisfaction on a jukebox. But no... i'm not so horrified any more! 


Deborah Thompson Johnson '73


* For us CSR's: a Suicide is when the Soda Jerk pushes all the buttons on the soda dispenser. Grape soda always seems to be the heaviest taste. 'Member them? Kids still think they were the first to invent this concoction!!


From this story I wrote Brenda (Kidd)



Author's Notes/Comments: 

For which I wrote Brenda (Kidd)

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