Pine forest
Further from the pine the river flowed gracefully, traversing like the veins on her arms. The blue of the indigo fluid didn’t change as it coursed through her life, but kept her breathing and walking in the forest of Douglas firs. The cedar smelled as old people would if they were there, walking hand in hand with their lovers. But, they are not and she was.
She lived in this town of soft woods with her uncle and his cat. An odious and perilous couple in all of this northwestern town. No hill or mountain defined the landscape, but a river, and a forest that both surrounded them and engulfed them. The smell of tar was everywhere and it burned her throat as she cried each night in her dreams
Her parents had died in the river and were buried in pine formed boxes. The cat had played with the roses dangling off the coffins as the bodies laid in state in the church nave.
How’d the cat get in there? Why did it not seem sacrilege for a cat to be in church? She’d be living with the beast now and it seemed to be sharpening its claws.
Further from the pine the river flowed gracefully traversing like the veins on her arms. The blue of the indigo fluid didn’t change as it course through her life but kept her breathing and walking in the forest of Douglas firs. The cedar smell as old people would if they were there walking hand in hand with their lovers. But they are not and she was.