A Forced Poem


Passion pandering, like jury rigging,

Meanders through your meanings.

Capturing caring, travailing on the course of love,

Deflates in the face of felicity, and failure to show

The meaning to merger.

Its not there.

Its not anywhere.

Pocketing prose to find your poetry,

Doesn’t make you a scribe of heights.

But, a well dug thought to a spring within,

Will straight way compose

A passion not pandered,

 And a jury not rigged.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

And example of what I meant.   I forced this poem from a turn of a phrase not knowing or feeling passion for a subject but a passion for the word.  It ended up meaning just that.  You cant force a poem you cant pretend to write if the passion is not there.  Its been gone for awhile for me so i thought maybe I can push it out like a baby or and over due ...movement.

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