2003-10-21 He Tells Me This

Book: Castle View

He was thinking-rather feeling
A swirl of thoughts
A conscience decision
To leave the warm comfort
of a soft cottage
that is my body, my arms, my love
A cabin in the woods
with afgans and a fire and food
that is my comfort, my heart, my gentle
To go into an uncertainty, a blizzard
Walking in to the dark
Out of the safety
Felt like
the right
to do
Narrow the scope
of his life
to survive
the tumblers in life
The gears that grind
need constant vigilance
in the cold
Away from the woman
with the hands that melt
the ice in his veins
the throb in his brow
and distract him from
things at hand
She feels the betrayal
He scoffs at the interpretation
Its what I have to do
Its where I have to be
Out in this blizzard
Away from your hearth
away from your

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know what it is he feels as a man he needs to do to survive and be a good father and provider,  but I think he doesnt ever want to feel he needs someone, not even his children

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